Cozy Bedroom


    On a chilly, snowy day like today, I wish I were snuggled up under all those lush covers with a warm pet. Alas, I’m downstairs in my can’t-get-warm-enough office in front of the computer monitor. Brrr! Time to turn on the space heater.

    If you couldn’t tell, the curled up fox was the starter for this late November PFCC challenge. The AdobeStock background is my go to bedroom. I’ve masked out all the various objets and saved them with color adjustment layers so I can easily change the color scheme to suit my mood. Last time I used this, the colors were ranges of olive green. I like the blue better. I got the calico patterns from Adobe Stock, as well, while the foxes are all from Pixabay. I used the headboard wood to create the frames on the wall art and the quilt hanging boat. What better way to make it match? The framed foxes were a montage of three foxes that I did for an earlier PFCC challenge.  

    Take care and stay well and warm.

All material and images © Marie Rediess, cREEations Photography & Design, Algonac, Mi.

No reproduction allowed without specific written permission.